Immunization law requires that all children 5-14 years of age either have the required number of shots for specific illness or get immunized within 30 days of school opening. Parents are also required to provide an immunization record or a medical or religious exemption for each child; otherwise, they may be kept out of school. The illnesses requiring immunization are polio, measles, German measles, diphtheria, whooping cough, mumps, tetanus and hepatitis B.

The Oregon Health Authority website on immunizations can be found [here].

In accordance with archdiocesan policy, a signed Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) form must be provided before a student may attend school. This form documents either evidence of immunization or a religious/medical exemption. A qualified RN parent volunteer monitors immunization records through a statewide database. Completing the handbook signature form signifies your acceptance of the monitoring immunization records for county required reports.