We, the community of St. Ignatius School, in the tradition of Mother Marie Rose and St. Ignatius of Loyola, provide a faith-centered Catholic education guiding God’s children toward building a just and compassionate world.

Upcoming Important Dates

Important Links:

St. Ignatius Parish

Middle School Site

Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon

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Greetings St. Ignatius Families,

Our kindergarten Gators enjoyed learning about the baptism of Jesus this week directly from Fr. San in the church. The preschoolers were in awe as they took a tour of the church and learned all about the priests’ vestments and the colors of various liturgical seasons.

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Family Groups: Our 8th graders led their Family Groups in learning about the Lunar New Year, including how and why some cultures celebrate this event.





Serving, Learning, Growing:  Every Monday we have a section in our morning announcements called “Manners Monday” where we hear and learn about various manners. So far this year, we have heard about these manners: Greeting People, Don’t Interrupt, Entering and Exiting Rooms and Elevators, Conversation Starters, Common Courtesy, Personal Space, Writing Thank You Notes, Tone of Communication, and Playing Games Fairly. Our 4th graders have created Manners posters displayed in our hallways sharing all kinds of manners they feel others should know.



Some of our middle school students used an elective class this week to create posters of peaceful, inspiring messages in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.




FACTS: Applications for tuition assistance for the 2025-2026 school year are open. Please fill out an application for need-based tuition assistance by Friday, January 31st!

Aspire, Believe, Celebrate: Our ***Aspire, Believe, Celebrate school auction*** will take place on Saturday, March 1, 2025 during Mardi Gras season. Thank you to the many families that have given for their Procurement. If you bring in or submit your $50 procurement by Friday, January 24th, each student in your family will receive a Special Dress Pass! Procurement items can be dropped off or you can email our school office to have your FACTS account charged. We will accept procurement donations through Friday, January 31st.

You can ***purchase early bird admission tickets now for the discounted cost*** of $75/person or $125/couple through January 31. February 1 admission tickets will be a flat rate of $100 per person.  Spread the word to your friends and family to buy raffle tickets. If your family sells three raffle tickets, each student in your family will receive a Special Dress Pass! Classes that make 90% of their raffle ticket selling goal will earn a sundae-sorbet party! Only 500 raffle tickets are sold and the prize is $3,000!

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Dine-Out at Dick’s Primal Burger: Next Thursday, January 23rd, we will host a dine-out at Dick’s Primal Burger on Woodstock. No flyer is needed, and no need to mention our school. This generous, all-day dine out will donate 15% of all sales from the day back to our school. Support our school and this generous local business by attending and spreading the word to those you know!

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Church Greeters Needed: St. Ignatius is such a warm and wonderful community, and we want to be intentional in continuing to grow as a radically welcoming community. In part, this means greeting and welcoming people as they walk in from the parking lot. We have loved having families involved in this ministry, greeting and welcoming folks at each of the Sunday Masses. What could be more friendly and welcoming than being greeted by smiling youngsters and their parents? If you'd like to volunteer as a greeter family, Click here to sign up.


Afterschool Programs: Winter session for both Chess America and Play Fit Fun have begun. It’s not too late to register for the winter session. Families my register through these flyers:

**Chess America Play Fit Fun**

Open House for Prospective Families: Spread the word about our wonderful school. We will host our Open House after Mass on Sunday, January 26th from 11:30 AM- 1:00 PM. Families interested in sending their children to our school for the 2025-2026 school year will be able to take a tour and meet the teachers.

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Kindergarten for 2025-2026: If you have a preschooler who will be entering Kindergarten in the fall, please fill out and return a St. Ignatius School application. The application fee is waived for siblings or current preschool students. As part of the application process to kindergarten,  Mrs. Dulley, our kindergarten teacher, will meet with current preschool students and siblings applying for kindergarten in February or March for a brief readiness screening. St. Ignatius School siblings and preschool students are generally admitted into kindergarten after their screening and before applicants from outside our current school community.

Intent to Return Form for Current Families: In order to assist us in planning our enrollment and our budget for the next year, please complete and submit this “Intent to Return” form electronically by Monday, February 10th, 2025. Thank you!

Parent Association Meeting: We will host a Parent Association meeting on Wednesday, January 22 at 6:30 PM. The Parent Association plays a vital role in facilitating events and projects and assisting teachers with classroom volunteers and other support, directly impacting the success of our students. Through your commitment of time and valuable skills, our school is able to provide an academically rigorous, well-rounded educational experience for our students as they learn to build a just and compassionate world. We realize our families are incredibly busy supporting their students' well-rounded education in the evenings. Therefore, we will offer this session, open to all parents, virtually. We ask Room Parents and event chairs to please plan on attending.

Topic: Parent Association Meeting for St. Ignatius School

Time: Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025 06:30 PM Pacific Standard Time

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 879 3130 2514  Passcode: Parents

Our thoughts and prayers are with our neighbors to the south as they navigate the devastating wildfires in Southern California. If you are looking for a way to lend a hand from afar, here is a link to the LA Archdiocese. https://lacatholics.org/california-fires/

Inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., may we use our gifts and talents to build a just and compassionate world for all. As we head into this Jubilee year of hope, may we be inspired to take action, “For you, Lord, give light to my lamp; my God brightens my darkness.” Psalms 18:29.

Peace be with you,

Carol Pausz


Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon, exist to give witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As an apostolate of the Church, Catholic Schools minister the salvation of Jesus Christ, exercising His mission to teach (Mt. 28:19-20) by providing Mission Passionate Catholic Education.

Financial Assistance 2025-2026

Tuition Assistance applications for the 2025-2026 school year are now open. Please note, the FACTS deadline to submit applications is January 31, 2025. Start your application here: https://online.factsmgt.com/aid

CYO Track & Field Coach Needed

Track & Field Coaches Needed! The St. Ignatius CYO Track & Field Team Needs YOU. We have a fantastic Track & Field team in desperate need of a Head Coach and a few Assistant Coaches to bolster our ranks. The team is composed of 3rd-8th graders with 2 weekly practices starting mid-March-May, and four Saturday meets & a championship between April-May. We have lovely assistant coaches - Chris & Mary Houghton - but both have other coaching responsibilities (along with AD responsibilities!), and need someone to take the lead so St. Ignatius can staff a team, which is at risk without this position. Anyone interested can contact Mary Houghton at 503-314-7504 or [email protected]. Thank you!!

CYO Trailblazer Night

Support CYO While Supporting the Blazers: The annual St. Ignatius CYO Blazer Night is here! Don't miss the Portland Trail Blazers against the Indiana Pacers on Tuesday, February 4th at 7pm. Tickets are only $20 for this fundraising event, so don't wait until they're gone. All proceeds go to the St. Ignatius CYO Club.

To get your tickets, email [email protected] to place an order. Include in the email your name, contact information and number of tickets you wish to purchase and we'll get back to you with details. Go Blazers!

FlashAlert - School Closure Information


In the event of an emergency or weather closure the FlashAlert system delivers information to subscribers in realtime. Subscribers receive emails and “push notifications” through a free phone app. There is no cost to our families to subscribe. Click to sign up: https://tinyurl.com/SIFLASHALERT St. Ignatius closures will always be listed on local news broadcasts as well.

Volunteer Opportunities

Recess Monitor: monitoring our lunch recesses

Hot Lunch Distribution, daily (11:45-12:25): Contact the school office

Transition Projects Sandwich Making: https://tinyurl.com/schoolwideservicesignup

Transition Projects Pantry: https://tinyurl.com/TRANSPROWISHLIST

After School Programs

Chess - Winter 2025: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AJn2l_hy7p6bLs8yAfWYfC2ue0oq4KPB/view?usp=sharing