We, the community of St. Ignatius School, in the tradition of Mother Marie Rose and St. Ignatius of Loyola, provide a faith-centered Catholic education guiding God’s children toward building a just and compassionate world.
Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon
Special thanks to Mr. O’Brien and his helpers for hosting our St. Ignatius School Mardi Gras tradition of serving pancakes to students and families the morning of Mardi Gras.
Ash Wednesday is such a special time here at St. Ignatius School as we begin our Lenten season. Fr. San and our 8th grade leaders prepared a beautiful Ash Wednesday Mass for us. Our 8th graders took their role in distributing ashes to their family group members prayerfully.
Fr. San blessed our rice boxes as we prepare for almsgiving as a school throughout Lent. This Lenten season, we will again support Our Giving Table, a local nonprofit serving families suffering from food and shelter security. The coins students collect will be split between Our Giving Table and purchasing food for Transition Projects Lunches. In this Jubilee year of hope, each month our whole parish will support a Catholic social justice theme. For the month of March, both our school and St. Ignatius Church will ‘clothe the needy’ in our community. For the month of March, students may bring in new or gently used warm clothing- hats, gloves, scarves, long sleeve shirts, and long pants. Clothing items brought in by students will be donated to Our Giving Table*.*
This week, Fr. San and Fr. James brought over the monstrance and talked to the students about the practice of adoration. At the beginning of our Lenten Mass, led by 1st grade, next week, we will have a short adoration.
Serving, Learning, Growing: Our students are growing in faith, knowledge, and service each and every day. Every two weeks, as a whole school, we study a different virtue. Our virtues in February were responsibility and courtesy. The virtue for these first two weeks of March is prayerfulness. Prayerfulness means to be still and listen in prayer and in Mass. It also means being willing to talk to God as a trusted friend. The kindergarten students are practicing their teen numbers this week. The first graders turned in their Alleluia signs to Mrs. Frangipani in the school office for the Lenten season. The second graders created a creative hallway bulletin board writing about their favorite season. Our third graders made cat blankets for the Oregon Humane Society with help from the 8th graders. The fifth graders learned about American Revolutionary War battles by reading and taking notes from the 8th graders posters. Congratulations to all of our OBOB teams for the work they put into preparing to complete. Two of our teams will move onto a regional competition this weekend. Good luck to the The Asparagus Spears from grades 3-5 and the The Bookshelf Bandits from the Middle School!
Aspire, Believe, Celebrate: Our Aspire, Believe, Celebrate school auction was both fun-filled and successful. Our paddle raise secured $60,000 in tuition assistance which we can use to qualify for the full amount of next year’s Weston matching grant! In the words of Mother Teresa, “We can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful." Way to go, gators!
We would like to see next year’s auction have an even larger turnout, so we are asking all of our families to please take this quick auction survey to provide feedback to our auction planning committee. Thank you for helping St. Ignatius School provide a faith-filled Catholic education through inspiring teachers and necessary resources as our students build lifelong friendships and prepare to build a more just and compassionate world for all.
St. Ignatius School Referral Benefit: As many of you know, ‘word of mouth’ is how most families come to join our inclusive, welcoming community. We would like to extend an invitation to our current families to bring another family into our community. If you refer a new family that enrolls and attends our school next year, your family will receive a $1,000 tuition credit! Families entering kindergarten through 8th grade are eligible. Simply submit this ***form ***to let us know which family you referred. The $1,000 credit will be taken off tuition in early November after the referred family has joined our school community. Be on the lookout for the 2025-2026 registration forms in your email on Monday, March 10th.
Remember to spring forward and set your clocks ahead one hour this Sunday. May we hold steadfast in our Lenten journey as we hear in Micah 7:7, “But as for me, I will look to the LORD, I will wait for God my savior; my God will hear me!”
Peace be with you,
Carol Pausz
Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon, exist to give witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As an apostolate of the Church, Catholic Schools minister the salvation of Jesus Christ, exercising His mission to teach (Mt. 28:19-20) by providing Mission Passionate Catholic Education.
Thank you to the many families that ordered free dress booklets! Booklets will be sent home with the oldest child in each family next week. Contact the school office if you are still interested (one per student).
The spring uniform exchange will take place in April! Be sure to swing by the cafeteria to replace outgrown uniform items!
Volunteers are needed to help set up and take down, as well as running the exchange 30 minutes before and after school that week. Volunteer time will be a credit towards fair share hours. Anyone interested should reach out to Mrs. Frangipani [email protected] or Molly Collins - [email protected]
Any gently used items that are in adherence with the school dress code are welcome for donation!
Chess: https://drive.google.com/file/d/179veV71CMhEs1axWVSZiosekVtesuO22/view?usp=sharing
Play Fit Fun: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JdshaUIX45wbZEITvisK7lKeoYVf7c_8/view?usp=drive_link
Recess Monitor: monitoring our lunch recesses
Hot Lunch Distribution, daily (11:45-12:25): Contact the school office
Transition Projects Sandwich Making: https://tinyurl.com/schoolwideservicesignup
Transition Projects Pantry: https://tinyurl.com/TRANSPROWISHLIST