We, the community of St. Ignatius School, in the tradition of Mother Marie Rose and St. Ignatius of Loyola, provide a faith-centered Catholic education guiding God’s children toward building a just and compassionate world.

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Greetings St. Ignatius Families,

Examen and Visits from Fr. San and Fr. James: This week our students entered into the Examen prayer as a class with some classes opting to pair together for the Examen. The Examen is a five step prayer developed by St. Ignatius of Loyola, our school’s patron saint, as a prayerful way to reflect on and see God’s work in our daily lives. Each Monday, Fr. San and Fr. James will visit classes in our school. The third graders had lots of ideas about the “Kingdom of God” to share with Fr. James. What fun it was to have them start their visits this week!



Day of the Dead: This year we will be celebrating our loved ones who have passed through the celebration of Dia de Los Muertos. We will be creating a school wide Ofrenda where students can add pictures of family members, friends, and pets that have passed. This is a celebration for the remembrance of loved ones who are no longer with us, similar to a celebration of life. The Ofrenda will be set up for viewing October 28 - November 1st in the school entry display cases.

If your student would like to participate, please send them to school with a printed photo ( 4x6 or 3x5) of a loved one who has passed. Photos need to be turned in by Tuesday October 24th. If you would like the photo back, please make sure to write the name and class room of your student on the back. No frames please.

If you would like to explore more about Dia De Los Muertos please follow the link below. ***https://artsandculture.google.com/story/the-meaning-of-the-altar/_QUBc67lRPvBIQ***

You can also ask your student what they know about the celebration as they will learn a bit about Dia de Los Muertos through a blurb in our morning announcements and in their Family Groups. We look forward to celebrating Dia de Los Muertos and All Saints Day with you in a couple of weeks.

UP Nurses: Our nursing students spent time this last Tuesday conducting some vision screenings for a few classes and teaching lessons on nutrition to a few classes. They will continue to conduct vision screenings and teach nutrition and handwashing lessons throughout October and into November. They are wonderful helpers for our recesses on Tuesday too. What a blessing to have their skills and expertise!



Learning, Growing, Serving: Our third grade class made blanket ropes for the Oregon Humane Society, the 3rd grade service partner. One third grade student was able to deliver the dog toys to the shelter last weekend. Way to go, 3rd grade!


Our fifth grade class studied how to conduct an experiment with earthworms and learned their critical role in decomposing dead material while releasing valuable nutrients into the soil.



The eighth graders are reading Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night and acting out some scenes from Act 1 in class. The eighth graders also put up and take down our national and state flags every day. The students enjoy saluting the flags every morning.



Lastly, our middle school students are enjoying various elective activities including Book Club, Podcasting, GatorVision, Crafternoon, Mural Making and Team Sports. The Book Club is reading Once There Was by Kiyash Monsef and made gnome house plant stakes to go along with the novel's magical creature theme. Middle school elective classes give students across the middle school grades an opportunity to get to know one another and build community across the middle school grade band.






**Office for the Mission of Catholic Education (OMCE): The Archdiocese of Portland has developed a new department over the last year called the Office for the Mission of Catholic Education (OMCE). As an archdiocesan school, St. Ignatius School is able to benefit from the many ways the newly formed Office for the Mission of Catholic Education supports all of our outstanding Catholic schools. The Office for the Mission of Catholic Education, in conjunction with Archbishop Sample, have crafted a mission statement uniting all of the Catholic schools in the Archdiocese. You will begin to see this mission statement  shown below along with our St. Ignatius School’s mission statement on formal communications, such as the Ignatian, and on our school webpage.

Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon, exist to give witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As an apostolate of the Church, Catholic Schools minister the salvation of Jesus Christ, exercising His mission to teach (Mt. 28:19-20) by providing Mission Passionate Catholic Education.

Parent Education Opportunity in October: We are pleased to offer a 40-minute class for any parents interested in learning more about St. Ignatius, the patron saint of our school, and Ignatian Spirituality, which is at the heart of our Jesuit tradition. This introductory class is perfect for those with no prior experience in these areas and will also highlight connections to events throughout the school year and our school’s core values. Whether you’re new to our community or simply curious, this is a great opportunity to deepen your understanding of the spiritual foundation that guides our school. Mr. Beseau will lead this parent education night on St. Ignatius and Ignatian Spirituality on Monday, October 14 at 6:30 PM. Come learn more about our Ignatian charism connection at this ‘adults only’ session!

Parent Connection Opportunity: We are bringing back a weekly St. Ignatius basketball open gym. Any adult that is a St. Ignatius parish member and/or a school parent is welcome to participate. It will be held Sunday evenings at 7:30 PM starting October 6th in the St. Ignatius gym (Dillon Hall). We ask that all participants are at least 21 or older for this adult only event.

Harvest Festival & Fall Plant Sale: The Harvest Festival is this weekend! During the Harvest Festival, we will host a fall plant sale too!  We hope you will come and bring all of your friends and neighbors to this free, fun-filled event which will include tons of activities for kids, trick-or-treating, theater productions, food, booths, and a silent auction! We look forward to seeing you all there!

A+ Lunches Program- We are seeking a parent volunteer to assist with distributing the pre-prepared, vended lunches during our 1st & 2nd lunch periods from 11:45 AM to 12:25 PM daily. If this is within your schedule to take on for your volunteer service hours, please let our school office know. Need to sign up for lunches? Please follow the registration directions when using this link below:


Pastini Dine-Out: This Thursday, October 17th, Pastini on Division will host an all day, take out or dine in fundraiser for our school. All you need to do is mention our school; no flyer is needed. 40% of proceeds will be donated back to our school! We hope you will partake in this delicious way to support our school.

In trusting the slow work of God, may we rejoice in discerning God’s path for us as we hear in Jeremiah 29:11- “For I know well the plans I have in mind for you—oracle of the LORD—plans for your welfare and not for woe, so as to give you a future of hope.”

Peace be with you.

Carol Pausz


Fall Conferences 2024

Fall conference confirmations will be sent home by Friday, October 18. Please contact the school office immediately if your scheduled conference time does not work. Thank you!

Start planning now!!!

Get your baby sitters in place and start planning to attend two fabulous events to support St. Ignatius School!

More information on both of these events will be in upcoming newsletters!

St. Ignatius Open Gym!

St. Ignatius Parish is brining back a weekly, St. Ignatius basketball open gym. Any adult that is a St. Ignatius parish member and/or a school parent is welcome to participate. It will be held Sunday evenings at the St. Ignatius gym (Dillon Hall). We ask that all participants are at least 21 or older please because this is an adult only event. If you are interested in attending, please contact Mr. Stephen Brobeck ([email protected]) and he will send you more information.

Halloween Costumes

As you begin to create or shop for your child’s Halloween costume, please be mindful of our “no blood, no gore, and no weapons” policy. Students may wear costumes to school on Thursday, October 31. Costumes should be comfortable enough to be worn in class all day and adhere to the uniform and special dress day length and fit expectations.

Save the date!


Flash Alert


In the event of an emergency or weather closure the FlashAlert system delivers information to subscribers in realtime. Subscribers receive emails and “push notifications” through a free phone app. There is no cost to our families to subscribe. Click to sign up: https://tinyurl.com/SIFLASHALERT St. Ignatius closures will always be listed on local news broadcasts as well.

Volunteer Opportunities