Being in uniform, for students in kindergarten through eighth grade, is expected to be a cooperative effort among parents, students, and staff. Families choosing St. Ignatius School understand that our dress code helps us achieve several outcomes for students. Our dress code serves to reinforce Catholic values, limits social pressures on students, minimizes financial pressures on our families and maximizes the time available for teachers to instruct students.
- The uniform requirement sets a standard and expectation that students arrive at school ready to learn.
- Students know from the moment they wake up that they will dress in uniform because they are going to school. It underscores our purpose together.
- Participating in this culture cultivates and communicates discipline and self-confidence. It is a discipline to show up prepared each day. The uniform is a visible commitment to our purpose and readiness to be in the school environment.
- Meeting this expectation to attend creates unity, camaraderie, and school spirit: YOU ARE A 'GATOR!
Please ensure your child meets dress code guidelines each day. Faculty and administrators have the right to judge what is appropriate regarding student dress, and to enforce consequences for inappropriate dress.
⚠️ To ensure conformity, the detailed dress code at St. Ignatius is intended to grant as much support and flexibility as possible in selecting uniform items. The uniform exchange is offered multiple times a year by our Parent Association, and is a great way to meet your uniform needs.
General Expectations
- Clothing must be clean and in good repair each day.
- While in school, uniforms are not to be covered with non-uniform items.
- Sweatshirts/sweaters may not be tied around the waist
- Proper fit: In all cases, students must observe a "no show zone" in their choice of clothing. The waistband must be high enough, and the shirt tail long enough that no skin shows when the student's arms are extended over their head.
- Clothing should also not be overly tight or oversized.
Hats & Hoods
- May not be worn in the school building, gym, cafeteria, or church
- Worn by junior high students only
- Should be lightly applied (at the discretion of teachers and administration)
- No false eyelashes