Students are allowed to wear casual clothes in good condition (jeans included) on special dress days. Students may wear special dress on their birthday or half-birthday (for summer birthdays). Through out the year there are themed dress days such as class color days, spirit dress, Advent Fridays, St. Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, etc. Special dress for field trips is at the discretion of the teacher and administration.


On all school days students must observe a “no show zone”, which means the top of the pants must be high enough, and the shirt tail long enough, so that no skin is showing when the arms are extended over the head.





Class Color Day

Occasionally the school celebrates class unity with a class color day. Students are expected to wear a top of their class color. Students will be given a class color shirt in the first trimester of each school year. All other garments must follow special dress guidelines.

PK - Canary Yellow

K - Lime Green

1 - Tie Dye (Shirts will be created in class with Ms. Schultheis)

2 - Grape

3 - Fuchsia Pink

4 - Aqua

5 - Orange